Micro-Learning and the Future of Education Since the advent of formalized education, there have been those suggesting it is outdated and about to radically… EducationTeaching SkillsTechnologyUDL byFrank
Hardware for Hybrid edtechEducationInteractive PresentationsOnline MeetingsTeaching SkillsTeams for TeachingTechnology byFrank
Microsoft Whiteboard Updated EducationMicrosoftMicrosoft TeamsPresentation SkillsTeaching SkillsTechnology byFrank
Creativity and Critical Thinking in the Age of AI – how to teach these skills. Artificial IntelligenceBooksCreative and Critical ThinkingEducationTeaching Skills byFrank
Digital Whiteboards – an Essential Tool edtechEducationInteractive PresentationsOnline MeetingsPresentation SkillsTeaching SkillsTechnology byFrank
AI Will Change Education – We Need to Adapt Artificial IntelligenceEducationTeaching SkillsTechnology byFrank